The September issue of ENR New England will publish ENR’s annual ranking of the best specialty contractors. Starting with 2023 revenue data, it will include companies located in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
The survey deadline is August 5.
Click here to submit a survey:
If you have questions about the survey, please email Justin Rice at
Also, please consider participating in an email Q&A to provide input on a story that will feature the ENR New England/ENR New York specialty contractor rankings. In addition to answering the questions below, please send us high-resolution photos of the project for the story, along with caption information and photo credits.
Here are the email interview questions:
-What lessons have you learned in recent years and how is it shaping your way of doing business moving forward?
– Which sectors of the construction market have offered the greatest opportunities in the New York and New England regions?
-Which sectors have cooled in the region(s)?
-How do you think the markets in your regions will behave over the next year or two?
Submit answers and photos for the leaderboard intro story by August 21st.
Some of the companies that submitted surveys to the New York survey from June 20, 2024 they are listed below in alphabetical order:
New England Finish Systems, LLC |

Justin Rice is editor of ENR MidAtlantic and ENR New England