Exhibition of the Department of Public Works of the City Council
several trucks to see up close, visit with the staff
RAPID CITY, SD—The City Hall’s Public Works Area hosts the ‘Touch-A-Truck’ event on Saturday, one of the highlights of the 15th Great Annual Downtown Pumpkin Festival. Various vehicles and pieces of municipal equipment will be staged in a static display in the City Hall parking lot.
The ‘Touch-A-Truck’ event is just one of the highlights of the popular Pumpkin Festival, which will include numerous activities in the Main Street Plaza along Sixth Street in Memorial Park near the Promenade and the City Hall parking lot. The activities will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m
Want to know how a HydroJet/Vacuum truck works? What exactly is a “TV van”? Have you ever wanted to inspect a garbage truck, fire engine or patrol car up close? You’ll get your chance at Saturday’s ‘Touch-A-Truck’ event.
Trucks scheduled to appear at this time include: Street Sander with Plow Wing, Solid Waste Can Truck, Roll Collection Truck, HydroJet/Vacuum Truck, TV Van, Backhoe, Mini Excavator, System Bus fast traffic, fire engine and police. patrol car City staff will be available to visit with the public during the event, including officials from the rapid transit system, who will share information and get feedback on route adjustments.
“The event is an opportunity to see some of the many trucks and equipment used by our public works employees,” said Shannon Truax, City Public Works Executive Coordinator. “We’ll have staff on hand to answer questions about the trucks and equipment, answer questions from the public and let the kids crawl inside some of the big trucks.”
The Great Downtown Pumpkin Festival is one of the most popular events hosted by Main Street Square. The event will include more than 60 vendors, the Pumpkin Chunkin’ Catapult contest, the giant pumpkin weigh-in, the KidZ Zone and two Buck Chuck events, among other events.