The pandemic amply demonstrated that truckers are essential workers. Limited selections and empty shelves demonstrated the importance of the trucking industry in delivering food, medical supplies and other products to stores. The pandemic was also the impetus for many women and younger people to dive into the industry, while many established drivers began to consider striking out on their own as freelancers.
Women and Youth
The nation’s women saw a greater opportunity. They could make a living, even when other industries were closed. Several trucking companies also recognized the benefits of hiring women and have opened schools aimed at female drivers.
The average age of a truck driver is 35 years. Several younger individuals also saw an opportunity for long-term work in the trucking industry. Record numbers are signing up for training at accredited driving schools, but there is still a shortage of drivers.
Established truckers
Those who already had an established career within the industry began to think about hauling independently. For experienced drivers, the motivation was different. They wanted more control over their routes, the jobs they took and their benefits.
Becoming an independent driver is not easy. As freelancers, they are responsible for finding their own clients, obtaining permits and all other expenses associated with the business.
Economic drivers
As essential workers, truck drivers do more than deliver goods to the stores and warehouses that customers want and need. Truck drivers in all capacities are critical to driving the economy. They are critical infrastructure workers and support all sectors in one way or another. Truck drivers are needed now and during the pandemic and remain a central feature of the economy.
The trucking industry offers steady employment and income. It is especially open to younger women and men who want a career. Truck drivers are an important element in the health, safety and welfare of the nation.
Contact us today for Free shipping estimates and heavy truck information. We welcome any questions, concerns or comments you may have.