A social landlord is looking for a contractor to build two residential towers containing 481 homes.
Latimer, the development arm of Clarion Housing Association, announced the £100m West Midlands project last week.
Between three and six businesses are expected to be shortlisted for the scheme in the Digbeth Borough of Birmingham.
Contractors should express their interest in the design-build agreement by noon on Saturday, December 23.
Work is expected to begin next summer and last up to three years.
More than 350,000 people live in homes managed by Clarion, making it the UK’s largest housing association.
Latimer builds more than 2,000 residential units each year.
Earlier this year, Clarion launched a procurement process to appoint three suppliers for asbestos removal and remediation.
The housing association said it generated £16m of social value in 2022/23, including delivering 195 apprenticeships and training more than 1,300 people.
More information on the Digbeth contract is available here.