If you are an estimator or project manager for a contractor who wants to bid on one of the many large projects being funded by the federal and state governments: always read the fine print or your bid may be rejected!
In an effort to provide employment to DBEs (disadvantaged business enterprises) and other certified businesses, such as small businesses owned by women, minorities, and disabled veterans, many government contracts include clauses in which a certain portion of your bid must be to leave aside/mark for the acquisition of goods or services of these companies.
But as many construction estimators or project managers know, companies often face a major hurdle when implementing a subcontractor clause in your bid, as there often isn’t enough of a subcontractor clause. Certified DBEs in your area, or probably not a DBE that specializes in the type of goods/services you want to obtain.
So how do you overcome this hurdle and win the project over your competitor?
You must show “Good Faith Effort.”
Gathering good faith effort documents for your bid proposal can be exhausting, but requirements can vary especially among the many agencies around the country. But now you can count on the help of a professional online platform that will help you save time and money while complying with the legalities associated with Good Faith Effort disclosure.
Compliance news is the trusted platform that can help contractors connect with appropriate suppliers and subcontractors that meet the government agency’s specified outreach efforts.
Compliance News can help you in the following ways:
- Legal site trade i Focus offer notice advertisements i to promote they on social media.
- Contact local, state and federal referral organizations.
- List the appropriate certified DBEs and other types of certification.
- Send application emails and faxes and make follow-up phone calls.
- Document the entire process.
You’ll be assisted every step of the way by seasoned professionals with over two decades of experience navigating the complexities of fulfillment of the tender.

Compliance news can help contractors across the country meet their Good Faith Effort disclosure requirements. The biggest asset of Compliance news is its extensive and constantly updated database throughout the country. They are constantly gathering hundreds of the latest federal, state and local certified business directories and reviewing them in real time.
The platform, which was founded by a disabled veteran, also helps government agencies, utilities, schools and other public entities post public notices, bid/contract notices, IFBs, RFPs, RFIs and RFQs targeting underrepresented companies. You can even publish your own calendar events and press launches addressed to underrepresented companies.
It only takes a few clicks to find the DBE, MBE (Minority-Owned Business), WBE (Women-Owned Business Enterprise), Disabled Veteran, or other certified small business for your recruiting needs.
And best of all, for estimators or project managers who want help with the bona fide effort, their services start at a nominal cost of $30.
Most DOTs (departments of transportation) require prime contractors to complete their good faith effort five to seven business days before a bid closes, so there’s no time to waste. Sign in today