An environmental cleanup is underway at Horne Lake after a backhoe accident knocked down a hydraulic pole and three transformers.
Rob deBortoli, the city’s interim CAO, said a mineral oil substance from the transformers spilled onto the road and some of it entered the stormwater system that feeds into the lake.
DeBortoli said the backhoe, which belongs to a contractor, was working on the ongoing HIllside Drive project Wednesday when it inadvertently picked up overhead communications cables, which pulled down a hydraulic pole and took the transformers with it. The incident caused a power outage that has been resolved.
“We are very, very fortunate that there were no fatalities in that incident,” deBortoli said.
DeBortoli said Ontario Hydro requested the cleanup, which is being conducted by GFL’s response team. The city has closed trails in the area to public use to allow the GFL work to be completed.
He said there is not believed to be any threat to public health or the environment from the spill.
“These are all precautionary measures that are being taken,” DeBortoli said.
ElliotLakeToday has contacted the Ministry of the Environment and will update this story when more information becomes available.