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Brief of diving:
- Seventy-four Construction workers died in New York It has been in 2023, the most recent data, according to a Health and Safety Committee in the work published on Tuesday.
- The victims of New York City were included in this total. In the city, 30 construction workers died in 2023, which means that both the city and the state saw the largest number of deaths in the last decade, found Nycosh.
- Nycosh’s annual report uses OSHA data, labor statistics office and departments of the New York Building Department to inform the annual report and provide recommendations on how to better protect construction workers.
Divide vision:
By 2023, New York City registered a mortality rate of 11.6 per 100,000 full -time workers, up to 11.5 the previous year, while the state rate was 10.4 compared to 9.6 in 2022, an increase of 8.3%. Fees can be a better indicator of work danger than the raw number of fatalities, which may increase or decrease with the number of workers.
For example, by 2020, New York City registered 13 deaths, with much less in the last ten years. However, construction activity was significantly reduced that year due to the appearance of Covid-19 pandemic.
It Rate of injury to deadly work at the national level For construction by 2023 it was 9.6 deaths per 100,000 full -time equivalent workers, according to the Office of Labor Statistics.
The disproportionately high rate of deaths from Latinx workers in New York also followed the national trend. In New York State, 26% of workers’ deaths were Latin people, although they constitute 10% of the State’s labor pool. The death rate of Hispanic or Latin workers in all industries across the country was also higher than the national rate for all workers.
Finally, Nycosh stated that in the jobs where workers died, “businessmen had rape of Osha to coincide 74% of the time.” This meant, for example, if a worker died from a fall, the employer had not been able to provide training or implementing fall protections.
Safety Recommendations
Nycosh’s report brought multiple suggestions to improve workers’ safety.
He recommends that the municipalities of the state of the construction of the State be training and certification of construction and eliminate financial barriers for workers to receive the necessary training.
The report said that companies with repeated violations for their security should be avoided to receive public benefits or work on federal or state construction projects. The municipalities should also revoke the licenses of negligent contractors, said Nycosh, and stop hiring construction companies with repeated crimes.
The report also asked the district lawyers to take action against searches, suggesting that they do Operation of Carlos’s lawwhich involved a minimum criminal penalty against corporations responsible for injury or death to $ 500,000 and maximum to $ 1 million.
Nycosh requested that Osha be protected in the midst of federal government shakes and that the agency received more funding. He said that the number of Osha inspections has been constantly decreased in various administrations and did not reach pre-pandemic rates.
In the meantime the agency is planned The standard of heat disease seems to be put on ice indefinitely. A legislator also has it introduced a bill to annul National OshaAlthough experts claim that this law is far from being realistic.