DEME Group’s giant backhoe dredger Peter the Great is getting ready for action at the New Lock Terneuzen project.

“A large part of the old Middensluis is now gone due to demolition work. After the Christmas Holidays, we will begin to remove an invisible part: the more than 7,000 piles in the floor of the Middle Lock area.” said Nieuwe Sluis Terneuzen in its official statement.
The new lock is being built between the existing locks and will improve access to the ports of Ghent and Terneuzen.
According to DEME, Europe will get a new upgraded lock complex with the aim of improving maritime connections between Terneuzen and Ghent and, as a link between the Scheldt and the Seine, Paris.
The new lock is expected to be ready for shipment by the end of the year.