Fusion Energy Startup Type One Energy said that on February 11 he signed a new agreement with the regional utility Tennessee Valley Authority to expand his efforts for a “deeper and wider” fusion energy.
The developer and TVA, who have been working on a prototype plant at a unmotled coal planting place in Tennessee, announced a new plan to build a 350 MWE installation that they expect to “offer a complementary source of electrical generation of base loading for the region already in the mid -1920’s. “
Type One Energy says that its use of stelor fusion technology “has the potential to reappear the infrastructure of the Fossil fuel plant with TVA retired, as well as deploying in green fields in security support. Energy and reliability. ”
The new pact is expanded by a developer by 2024, TVA, the National Laboratory of the Ridge of the Ridge of Energy of the United States and the State of Tennessee for technology, logistics and financial collaboration. To launch the first stellar prototype of the first stage on the Bull Run TVA floor that this TVA plant will not produce energy, but will test and verify the design of the pilot plant.
Development is key “because it is the first time that any public services company has been seriously considering a way to possess and operate a pilot melting plant,” says a type of energy spokeswoman.
“Undoing the energy potential of America will have all forms of generation, including fusion,” said Joe Hoagland, Vice President of the TVA innovation and research.
The Prototype project, under the design of the Veteran Engineering of the Nuclear Sector AtkinsréalisConstruction is expected to begin by the end of next year and will be complete by 2029 with an estimated cost of $ 300 million. “We believe that the development of business and functional business relationships in the long term will serve both parties, as they contemplate additional areas of work over the next decade,” says Gregg Schneider, an energy vice president of world collaborations and management of the chain. supply.
The final decision of the largest pilot plant and its location within the TVA multi-state service area will be known in 2029, the spokesman said. The utility and the developer said that they would collaborate in training studies, environmental reviews and licenses, as well as the development of project plans “and funding of various sources”.
Get support
The type of energy is one of the eight companies chosen by Doe to receive a total of $ 46 million in federal funding by virtue of a program launched in 2022 to accelerate commercial fusion energy. The developer had also raised $ 82.5 million last fall of investors including Bill doors = energy support. The firm was founded in 2019 by notable Fusion researchers and obtained the first risk capital support by 2023.
Energy -type stellar fusion technology, developed in the 1950’s by Princeton University, uses twisted magnetic fields to limit plasma in a torus to merge atoms and release energy.
The utility and energy of the one type also had a separate agreement to allow firm access to the TVA Energy Service stores to muscle shows, Ala., “To continue shaping their supply chain. .. with the modular manufacture and assembly of support “for the largest project, they said.
The agreement also covers the commitment to the development of the workforce “to assemble, operate and maintain the melting stellar”. Pointing to a “long story of deploying and operating new energy technologies [in the region]”Companies said, Tennessee and Alabama” are well positioned to provide talent and resources needed to generate successful and reliable energy from the merger.
“TVA provides us with electric power plants, maintenance, engineering, licenses and even project planning and construction capabilities, all the critical skills of success that we do not need to try and recreate now,” said Christofer Mowry, Type, Type a Energy CEO, in a statement.
The type energy also reached a license and technological manufacturing agreement with the Commonwealth fusion systems for a exclusive license to use the Massachusetts superconductor cable technology, at the high temperature of the MIT developer, in the their own melting magnets.