Dive brief:
- Most executives plan to increase investments in talent and skills development due to shortages in key technology cubes, according to a Capgemini survey published last week. The company surveyed 2,000 business leaders in November.
- 59% of respondents see the gap between talent availability and open roles as a top business risk, up from 35% in last year’s study.
- Ensuring that IT organizations can keep up with relevant emerging technology will lead to business cases and rapid adoption, said Doug Ross, vice president and head of AI Gen. from the US to Sogeti, part of Capgemini.
Diving knowledge:
CIOs will spend 2024 trying to bridge a long-standing gap between talent need and availability. One strategy to support talent attraction and retention is to dedicate resources to training existing staff.
The continued adoption of generative AI also highlights new areas for business skill development.
“Based on previous research, a large majority of business leaders believe there are significant talent gaps in several critical technology areas,” Ross said in an email. As companies incorporate generative AI capabilities into operations, boosting strategies will become useful skills across the organization, he said.
The interest surrounding generative artificial intelligence is also putting more pressure on filling positions related to the infrastructure behind its implementation, such as cloud and data analytics. While software vendors are building features into their systems, adoption will often depend on using data to personalize those offerings.
The hype can help bring new people into the fold, they say Ryan Worobel, CIO of LogicMonitor. Training and development opportunities can also increase retention among existing staff.
“If you’re giving them a path to career opportunities and a professional future, I think that’s very important,” Worobel said. “In today’s workforce, especially the younger talent … we’re seeing more people settling in a little bit and saying, ‘Hey, if you want to invest in me, I’ll stay with you.’