Whether you own a home or have plans for renovations or remodeling, you likely need a land survey and topographical survey, regardless of whether the mortgage or titleholder requests it. The added details can be beneficial as a homeowner and worth the investment.
These surveys are graphic representations of the property, with the land survey denoting the outline, including legal boundaries, and the topography representing the elevations and plans of the land.
These professional UK surveyors are experts in mathematics, physics and engineering to make their assessments to relieve homeowners of any confusion. These are not the only two surveys available, but are the most common for properties. Let’s take a deeper look at surveys and why they’re important.
When buying a property, land and topographical surveys are essential to know basically all aspects of the plot, the outline of the property, where the limits, elevations and plans are, to know all the aspects.
These, however, are just the two most common surveys that homeowners tend to invest in. There are a few more that will provide more meaningful details. These include the following:
- A monumentation survey would be done for a property owner adding a fence to the plot.
- When determining property lines, an “as-built survey” goes a step further by showing where improvements can be made. For example, a sidewalk is needed, the driveway must be added, and so on.
- A mortgaged property will have mortgage surveys that describe the property boundaries for the entire parcel.
- The flood risk area will be shown with the floodplain survey.

Mainly, property owners like to have land surveys done to know exactly where their property lines are, as many people like to have pets, which will mean putting up a fence. No one wants to go to that time or trouble only to have to pull him down if he goes over the line causing a dispute.
They usually require land surveys and topographies when investing in a plot of land and determining where to build the house. The surveyor will normally carry out homework on the property before arriving on site. The professional will investigate the deed history along with the package and will likely do a title search.
The surveyor uses the deed in an effort to establish the size of the property for those who already own the parcel. Milestones will be different after so much time has passed. The surveyor, however, will physically measure to obtain different boundaries to establish the monumentation.
Each state has its own standard for what to do when marking boundaries. For optimal survey results, the more details provided in the survey, the more accurate the survey can be with the result. If you are extending your home, check the procedure a surveyor uses at https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-buying/what-sort-of-survey-should – I have/. Information about the property, such as:
- Monumental places
- Terrestrial maps
- Previous surveys
- Title reports
This will help make the surveyor’s job much smoother and easier. The person you hire to do the survey work will also make sure to keep accurate documentation for your records and those who need it in the future.
The professional is a good resource when disputes lead to court hearings where the surveyor can intercede with expert testimony on your behalf.
final thought
A land and topographic survey can vary in price depending on the complexity of the surveys and the size of the parcel, potentially as low as $1,000 or much less. Go here for more information on survey costs. The priority is to do research, check reviews and testimonials, and ask for recommendations from people you are close to.
When you find a trusted, reliable, and experienced professional, it’s important to work diligently with them by providing as much detail as you can provide. The more you can locate or request from various resources, the better the surveyor will be able to perform his service.
The more successful the expert is with his result, the greater the benefit to you and those who live around you. No one wants to have property disputes. Also, if you are building, you want to place the house in the best possible place for the safety and integrity of the structure.